Saturday, 28 January 2012

Quality Center

Quality Center

Quality Center is an enterprise-wide application that is based on Java 2, Enterprise Edition (J2EE)technology.
Quality Center streamlines the quality management process —from requirements gathering through planning, scheduling and running tests, to defect/issue tracking and management —in a single browser-based application.
Quality Center Login Page is shown below

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Real time scenario questions

1.What could be the possible tests for testing a web page which displays flag of a country n some text in their language(for example Arabic ) when a button called Arabic is pressed and displays flag of another country and some text in English when a button called English is pressed?(internationalization)?
Ans) Button Pressed in Arabic:

1. Flag for the appropriate country with matching Text Displayed.

2. Correct Flag displayed, Text Wrong.

3. Correct Text, Flag wrong

4. Flag wrong, Text wrong

5. Null, Null

6. Correct Flag, Null (Text)

7. Creect Text, Null (Flag)
2) How do you complete the testing when you have a time constraint?
we need to check that the application is being tested for the first time or its a updated version.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Software Quality Assurance Life Cycle

In this article we have tried to map a Software Quality Assurance Life Cycle or Software QA Life cycle with a the normak SDLC.
 Also for each phase of SDLC the SQA activities are identified:

1. Software Concept and Initiation Phase

SQA should be involved in writing and reviewing the Management Plan
to ensure that processes, procedures and standards identified in the

Sample Bug report

Bug Name: Application crash on clicking the SAVE button while creating a new user.
Bug ID: (It will be automatically created by the BUG Tracking tool once you save this bug)
Area Path: USERS menu > New Users
Build Number: Version Number 5.0.1
Severity: HIGH (High/Medium/Low) or 1
Priority: HIGH (High/Medium/Low) or 1
Assigned to: Developer-X

Web Security Testing Checklist

1. Try to directly access bookmarked web page without login to the system. 
2. Do not sign-on system, directly try to download the file from the available download url, such as the inputhttp://url/download?name=file and check if the systems restrict you to download the file. 
3. sign out and then press the Back button to access the page accessed before. 
4. ID / password authentication method: check with valid and invalid passwords, password rules say cannot be less than 6 charecters, user id and password cannot be the same etc.

Sunday, 22 January 2012

Test case Defination,Example

Test Case Definition, Template, Example, Tips
A test case is a set of conditions or variables under which a tester will determine whether a system under test satisfies requirements or works correctly.
The process of developing test cases can also help find problems in the requirements or design of an application.
A test case can have the following elements. Note, however, that normally a test management tool is

100 Types of Testing Definations

1. Acceptance Testing: Formal testing conducted to determine whether or not a system satisfies its acceptance criteria and to enable the customer to determine whether or not to accept the system. It is usually performed by the customer.
2. Accessibility Testing: Type of testing which determines the usability of a product to the people having disabilities (deaf, blind, mentally disabled etc). The evaluation process is conducted by persons having disabilities.
3. Active Testing: Type of testing consisting in introducing test data and analyzing the execution results. It is usually conducted by the testing teams.
4. Agile Testing: Software testing practice that follows the principles of the agile

How to write good testcases and Bug reporting

To develop bug free software application, writing good test cases is essential.

Here, we will see how to write good test cases.

Before seeing this, we should understand what is Good Test Case.

There won't be any solid definition for "Good Test Case". 

I will consider a Test Case as "Good" only when a Tester feels happy to follow the steps in the Test Case which is written by another Tester.

How to Write Bug Report

  • Title
  • Description / Steps  errors
  • Build number of the product being tested (if necessary also to include the version number and language)
  • Recipient of the message
  • The importance of
  • Attachments with test material (logs, screenshots, memory dumps, etc.)
  • Operating system (in most cases, indicating its version, SP or hotfix’a)

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Different kinds of web browser errors

404 Not Found: The browser could not find the specific document that you requested on the host computer. To resolve this error, check the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) syntax (some URLs are case sensitive). In addition, the page may have been removed, had its name changed, or have been moved to a new location. To rise above the mundane, some have made 404 error pages a work of art - see 404 Research Lab for some creative 404 pages.

403 Forbidden/Access Denied: The Web site you requested requires special access permission (for example a password).

503 Service Unavailable: The host computer is too busy or the Web server which hosts the

Friday, 20 January 2012


What are the drawbacks of data driven test?

I think there are no drawbacks of data driven test...
Data driven test is meant for the retesting with the different data. Then it’s not a problem. Might be the question regarding the drawbacks in implementation of Retesting in WinRunner
We can implement data driven test in 4 methods in winrunner
        1. Dynamic Test Data Submission
         2. From Flat files
        3. From frontend grids.
        4. Through Excel Sheet
We can implement it in four different types. We have four means there are some drawbacks in first methods, the drawback is going to give a need for new methods.
1.      In the first method user intervention is required., it is not feasible to test with large test data.,                
2.      In this user has to sit on and has to enter each and every time.
2. The secod one is flat file -> in this the coding part is going to be tedious
3. Frontend -> always it may not be possible to have data in front-end tables or list boxes or ....
4. This is best method for implementing the data driven test, easy customizable wizard is given for this.

What is the difference between getvar & setvar?

QTP Interviw Questions

1.What is Quick test pro?
Its a Mercury interactive's keyword driven testing tool
2.By using QTP what kind of applications we can test?
By using QTP we can test standard windows applications,Web objects,ActiveX controls,and Visual basic applications.
3.What is called as test?
Test is a collection of steps organized into one or more actions,which are used to verify that your application performs as expected
4.What is the meaning of business component?
Its a collections of steps representing a single task in your application. Business components are combined into specific scenario to build business process tests in Mercury Quality center with Business process testing
5.How the test will be created in QTP?
As we navigate through our application,QTP records each step we perform and generates a test or

Interview Questions 2

Q. 51: What is Parallel Testing?
Parallel testing involves testing multiple products or sub-components simultaneously. A parallel test station typically shares a set of test equipment across multiple test sockets, but, in some cases, it may have a separate set of hardware for each unit under test (UUT).
The majority of nonparallel test systems test only one product or sub-component at a time, leaving expensive test hardware idle more than 50 percent of the test time. Thus, with parallel testing, you can increase the throughput of manufacturing test systems without spending a lot of money to duplicate and fan out additional test systems.
<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>
Q. 52: What is Comparison Testing?
Comparison testing is testing that compares software weaknesses and strengths to those of competitors' products.
<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>
Q. 53: What is Probe Testing?

Interview questions

Q. 1: Why a software needs to be tested?
Every software product needs to be tested since, the development 'process' is unable to produce defect free software. Even if the development process is able to produce a defect free software, we will not be able to know unless & until we test it. Without testing it, we shall not be having enough confidence that it will work.
Testing not only identifies and reports defect but also measures the quality of the product, which helps to decide whether to release the product, or not.
<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>
Q. 2: What is the reason that Software have Bugs?
Following factors contribute to the presence of bugs in the software applications.
1) Software development tools like visual tools, class libraries, compilers, scripting tools, etc. usually introduce their own bugs in the system.
2) To err is human. Likewise programmers do make mistakes while programming.
3) In fast-changing business environments continuously modified requirements are becoming a fact of life. Such frequent changes requested by the customer leads to errors in the application already nearing completion. Last minute design changes leads to many chaos like redesign of the whole system, rescheduling of engineers, scrapping of the work already completed, fresh requirements of compatible hardware etc.
4) A quickly written but poorly documented code is bound to have bugs. It becomes difficult to maintain and modify such code that is badly written or poorly documented.

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

SQL Questions for Testers


1) Display the details of all employees                                                                     
    SQL>Select * from emp;

2) Display the depart information from department table
    SQL>select * from dept;

3) Display the name and job for all the employees
    SQL>select ename,job from emp;

4) Display the name and salary  for all the employees
    SQL>select ename,sal from emp;

Quality center interview question

1.  What is the relationship between Quality Center and TestDirector?
TestDirector is the tool that was later renamed to Quality Center. The last version of TestDirector was version 8.2.
2.  What is the purpose of Quality Center?
TestDirector is a web-enabled tool used for the management of tests.  It supports cross-team communication and helps to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of collaboration in the process of testing global applications. It is capable of generating reports and graphs that can be used for test analysis, planning, and the tracking of defects.
3. What is the purpose of linking test cases to requirements?
Test cases are linked to requirement so verify test coverage.  This ensures that all requirements are being

Friday, 13 January 2012


                                    It is a document which contains a table of linking information used for tracing back for the reference. In any kind of confusion or questionable situation.

Note: Matrix: Combining different points in a document.









Note: The Test cases which are prepared related to which requirement is mentioned here in this table. If we mention Req. Id in the test case document, it same as the RTM, so we need not to maintain RTM separately for the application.



Note: The defects which are related to which test case is mentioned here in this table


1. Identify the module to which the use case belongs to.
 A: Security module.

2. Identify the functionality of the use case with the request of total functionality.
 A: Authentication.

3. Identify the actors involved in the use case.
A: Normal user/Admin user.

 4. Identify the inputs required for testing.
A: Valid and invalid user names and passwords.

 5. Identify whether the use case is linked with other use case or not.

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Steps to do security Testing

  • . Check the URL’s encryption. Except main page all other branches and sensitive pages should be encrypted in URL

  •   Check the Cookies, all sensitive cookies should be removed automatically when the application get closed
  • Sensitive information stored in the cookies must be encrypted

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Guidelines for Website Testing

Worldwide web is browsed by customers with different levels of knowledge, while testing websites (static / dynamic) of quality assurance should focus on different aspects to make effective presentation of website in www.
The aspects to cover: 
• Functionality 
• Ergonomics 
• User Interface 
• Server side Interface 
• Compatibility 
• Security 
• Performance 
• Description

Monday, 9 January 2012

Defect Management Process

Defect Management Process
A defect is a variance from expectations. To manage defects properly requires a process that prevents, discovers, tracks, resolves, and improves processes to reduce future defect occurrences.

The general principles of a Defect Management Process are as follows:
The primary goal is to prevent defects. Where this is not possible or practical, the goals are to find the defect as quickly as possible and to minimize the impact of the defect.
-   The defect management process, like the entire software development process, should be risk driven, i.e., strategies, priorities, and resources should be based on an assessment of the risk and the degree to which the expected impact of a risk can be reduced.
-   Defect measurement should be integrated into the development process. Information on defects should be captured at the source as a natural by product of doing the job. It should not be done after the fact by people unrelated to the project or system.
-   As much as possible, the capture and analysis of the information should be automated. The QA analyst should look for trends and perform a root cause analysis to identify  special and common cause problems.
-   Defect information should be used to improve the process. As imperfect or flawed processes cause most defects, processes may need to be altered to prevent defects.

Defect Reporting

Check points in QTP


1)  Standard Check Point
We can use this check point to verify the property of an object.
Ex: Verify Update Order
Step Name
Step description
Expected result
Activate Window

Open Record

Perform change


Start Recording Æ Click on “Ok” Æ Activate Window (Flight 4a.exe) Æ File Menu Æ Click on Open Order Æ Select Order No. Æ Enter No. Æ Click on Ok Æ Perform any change Æ Click Update Order Æ Stop Recording Æ Keep the application (Flight4a.exe) in base state Æ Identify positions in the Test Script to insert Check Points [After Activate window; after open order; after perform change] Æ Start Recording Æ {Insert Menu Æ Check Points Æ Click on
Standard Check Point} {or F12} Æ show object [ ] with Æ Click Ok Æ Enter

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Intrvw Questions on Database Testing

1). What is Database testing?
     Testing the backend databases like comparing   the actual results   with expected results.
2). What is database testing and what we test in database testing
Data bas testing basically include the following.
1) Data validity testing.
2) Data Integrity testing
3) Performance related to database.
4) Testing of Procedure, triggers and functions.
       For doing data validity testing you should be good in SQL queries
For data integrity testing you should know about referential integrity and different constraint.
For performance related things you should have idea about the table structure and design.
For testing Procedure triggers and functions you should be able to understand the same.

3). What we normally check for in the Database Testing?

Monday, 2 January 2012

Test cases For Atm

Money withdrawal_ verify card insertion with valid cards
This test case to validate card insertion functionality with valid card
Insert valid card in the insertion point of atm
Valid atm card
Atm should display language page with following objects ENLISH,TELUGU,HINDI
Money withdrawal_ verify
card insertion with invalid cards
This test case to validate card insertion functionality with invalid card

Insert invalid card of other bank card in the insertion point of atm
Invalid card like other bank card
Atm should not accept the card and display a message ”please insert valid atm card”
Insert invalid card of expired atm card in the insertion point of atm
Invalid card like expired atm card
Atm should not accept the card and display a message ”Sorry unable to process your request code 1234”
Money withdrawal_ verify
card insertion with valid cards in wrong angle
This test case to validate card insertion functionality with valid card in wrong angle

Insert invalid card of expired atm card in the insertion point of atm in wrong angle
Valid atm card
Atm should not accept the card and display a message ” Sorry unable to process your request code 1222”
Money withdrawal_ verify language selection
 This test case to verify the language selection functionality

Insert valid card in the insertion point of atm
Valid atm card
Atm should display language page with following objects ENLISH,TELUGU,HINDI
Click on corresponding language to be used

Atm should display the  pin number page in corresponding language selected

Money withdrawal_ verify pin number entry with valid pin number
This test case is to verify the functionality of pin number functionality with valid pin number

Insert valid card in the insertion point of atm
Valid atm card
Atm should display language page with following objects ENLISH,TELUGU,HINDI
Click on corresponding language to be used

Atm should display the  pin number page in corresponding languge selected
Enter the valid pin number
Valid pin number
Atm should display the account type selction page
Money withdrawal_ verify pin number entry with invalid pin number
This test case is to verify the functionality of pin number functionality with invalid pin number

Insert valid card in the insertion point of atm
Valid atm card
Atm should display language page with following objects ENLISH,TELUGU,HINDI
Click on corresponding language to be used

Atm should display the  pin number page in corresponding languge selected
Enter the invalid pin number
InValid pinnumber
Atm should display meaning full message” Sorry unable to process your request code 1222”
Money withdrawal_ verify pin number entry with invalid pin number upto 3 times
This test case is to verify the functionality of pin number functionality with invalid pin number upto 3 times

Insert valid card in the insertion point of atm
Valid atm card
Atm should display language page with following objects ENLISH,TELUGU,HINDI
Click on corresponding language to be used

Atm should display the  pin number page in corresponding languge selected
Enter the invalid pin number
Invalid pinnumber
Atm should display meaning full message”enter valid pinnumber”
Enter the invalid pin number
Invalid pinnumber
Atm should display meaning full message”enter valid pinnumber”
Enter the invalid pin number
Invalid pinnumber
Atm should display meaning full message” Sorry unable to process your request code 1236”
Money withdrawal_ verify account type selection with correct account type
This test is to verify the functionality of the account selection type with correct account type

Insert valid card in the insertion point of atm
Valid atm card
Atm should display language page with following objects ENLISH,TELUGU,HINDI
Click on corresponding language to be used

Atm should display the  pin number page in corresponding language selected
Enter the valid pin number
Valid pin number
Atm should display the account type selection page
Click on the correct account type of a/c holder

Atm should display service page with the following object money withdrawal, pin change,mini transaction,quick cash.
Money withdrawal_ verify account type selection with wrong account type
This test is to verify the functionality of the account selection type with wrong account type

Insert valid card in the insertion point of atm
Valid atm card
Atm should display language page with following objects ENLISH,TELUGU,HINDI
Click on corresponding language to be used

Atm should display the  pin number page in corresponding language selected
Enter the valid pin number
Valid pin number
Atm should display the account type selection page
Click on the wrongt account type of a/c holder

Atm should display meaningful message” Sorry unable to process your request code 1233”

Money withdrawal_ verify money withdrawal option
This test is to verify the functionality of the money withdrawal option

Insert valid card in the insertion point of atm
Valid atm card
Atm should display language page with following objects ENLISH,TELUGU,HINDI
Click on corresponding language to be used

Atm should display the  pin number page in corresponding language selected
Enter the valid pin number
Valid pin number
Atm should display the account type selection page
Click on the correct account type of a/c holder

Atm should display service page with the following object money withdrawal, pin change,mini transaction,quick cash.
Click on money withdrawal

Atm should display amount entry page.
Money withdrawal_ verify amount entry with valid amount
This test is to verify the functionality of amount entry with valid amount

Insert valid card in the insertion point of atm
Valid atm card
Atm should display language page with following objects ENLISH,TELUGU,HINDI
Click on corresponding language to be used

Atm should display the  pin number page in corresponding language selected
Enter the valid pin number
Valid pin number
Atm should display the account type selection page
Click on the correct account type of a/c holder

Atm should display service page with the following object money withdrawal, pin change,mini transaction,quick cash.
Click on money withdrawal

Atm should display amount entry page.

Enter the valid amount and click on OK
Valid amount
Atm need to give money and display the objects want to continue, OK, NO
Money withdrawal_ verify money withdrawal operation with valid amount
This test is to verify the functionality of money withdrawal operation with valid amount

Insert valid card in the insertion point of atm
Valid atm card
Atm should display language page with following objects ENLISH,TELUGU,HINDI
Click on corresponding language to be used

Atm should display the  pin number page in corresponding language selected
Enter the valid pin number
Valid pin number
Atm should display the account type selection page
Click on the correct account type of a/c holder

Atm should display service page with the following object money withdrawal, pin change, mini transaction, quick cash.
Click on money withdrawal

Atm should display amount entry page.

Enter the valid amount and click on OK
Valid amount
Atm need to give money and display the objects want to continue, OK, NO
Click on NO

Atm should give receipt for the transaction, return the card back, correct amount should deduct from account

Money withdrawal_ verify money withdrawal operation with amount greater than balance amount
This test is to verify the functionality of money withdrawal operation with amount greater than balance amount

Insert valid card in the insertion point of atm
Valid atm card
Atm should display language page with following objects ENLISH,TELUGU,HINDI
Click on corresponding language to be used

Atm should display the  pin number page in corresponding language selected
Enter the valid pin number
Valid pin number
Atm should display the account type selection page
Click on the correct account type of a/c holder

Atm should display service page with the following object money withdrawal, pin change, mini transaction, quick cash.
Click on money withdrawal

Atm should display amount entry page.
Enter the amount greater than balance and click on OK
Amount greater than balan
Atm should display meaningful error message” Sorry unable to process your request code 1230”
Money withdrawal_ verify money withdrawal operation with amount greater than day limit amount
This test is to verify the functionality of money withdrawal operation with amount greater than day limit amount

Insert valid card in the insertion point of atm
Valid atm card
Atm should display language page with following objects ENLISH,TELUGU,HINDI
Click on corresponding language to be used

Atm should display the  pin number page in corresponding language selected
Enter the valid pin number
Valid pin number
Atm should display the account type selection page
Click on the correct account type of a/c holder

Atm should display service page with the following object money withdrawal, pin change, mini transaction, quick cash.

Click on money withdrawal

Atm should display amount entry page.
Enter the amount greater than day limit amount
Click on OK
Amount greater than day limit amt
Atm should display meaningful error message” Sorry unable to process your request code 1220”
Money withdrawal_ verify money withdrawal operation with amount greater than amount in atm
This test is to verify the functionality of amount entry with valid amount greater  than amount in atm

Insert valid card in the insertion point of atm
Valid atm card
Atm should display language page with following objects ENLISH,TELUGU,HINDI
Click on corresponding language to be used

Atm should display the  pin number page in corresponding language selected
Enter the valid pin number
Valid pin number
Atm should display the account type selection page
Click on the correct account type of a/c holder

Atm should display service page with the following object money withdrawal, pin change,mini transaction,quick cash.
Click on money withdrawal

Atm should display amount entry page.
Enter the valid amount and click on OK
Valid amount
Atm should display meaningful error message” Sorry unable to process your request code 1234”

Money withdrawal_ verify money withdrawal operation with amount not in multiples of 100’s
This test is to verify the functionality of money withdrawal with amount not in multiples of 100’s

Insert valid card in the insertion point of atm
Valid atm card
Atm should display language page with following objects ENLISH,TELUGU,HINDI
Click on corresponding language to be used

Atm should display the  pin number page in corresponding language selected
Enter the valid pin number
Valid pin number
Atm should display the account type selection page
Click on the correct account type of a/c holder

Atm should display service page with the following object money withdrawal, pin change, mini transaction, quick cash.
Click on money withdrawal

Atm should display amount entry page.

Enter the valid amount not in multiples of 100’s click on OK
Valid amount
Atm should display meaningful error message ” Sorry unable to process your request code 1111”
Money withdrawal_ verify money withdrawal operation with valid amount but during operation network problem occurred
This test is to verify the functionality of money withdrawal operation with valid amount but during operation network problem occurred

Insert valid card in the insertion point of atm
Valid atm card
Atm should display language page with following objects ENLISH,TELUGU,HINDI
Click on corresponding language to be used

Atm should display the  pin number page in corresponding language selected
Enter the valid pin number
Valid pin number
Atm should display the account type selection page
Click on the correct account type of a/c holder

Atm should display service page with the following object money withdrawal, pin change, mini ….

Click on money withdrawal

Atm should display amount entry page.

Enter the valid amount and click on OK
Valid amtt
And make network down
Atm should display meaningful error message ” Sorry unable to process your request code 1010”
Money withdrawal_ verify amount entry with valid amount
This test is to verify the functionality of amount entry with valid amount

Insert valid card in the insertion point of atm
Valid atm card
Atm should display language page with following objects ENLISH,TELUGU,HINDI
Click on corresponding language to be used

Atm should display the  pin number page in corresponding language selected
Enter the valid pin number
Valid pin number
Atm should display the account type selection page
Click on the correct account type of a/c holder

Atm should display service page with the following object money withdrawal, pin change,mini transaction,quick cash.
Click on money withdrawal

Atm should display amount entry page.
Enter the valid amount and click on OK
Valid amount
Get the amount from atm and display the objects want to continue, OK, NO
Click on OK

Atm should display amount entry page.
Enter the valid amount and click on OK
Valid amount
Get the amount from atm and display the objects want to continue, OK, NO

Click on OK

Atm should display amount entry page.
Enter the valid amount and click on OK
Valid amount
Get the amount from atm and display the objects want to continue, OK, NO
Click on OK

Atm should display amount entry page.
Enter the valid amount and click on OK
Valid amount
Atm should display meaningful error message ” Sorry unable to process your request code 1211”
Money withdrawal_ verify
Cancel with after insert card
This test is to verify the functionality of cancel with after card insert i.e, in language selection page

Insert valid card in the insertion point of atm
Valid atm card
Atm should display language page with following objects ENLISH,TELUGU,HINDI

Click on cancel button

Atm should display meaningful error message ” Sorry unable to process your request code 1111”” and return the card by atm.
Money withdrawal_ verify
Cancel with pin number entry
This test is to verify the functionality of cancel with pin number entry

Insert valid card in the insertion point of atm
Valid atm card
Atm should display language page with following objects ENLISH,TELUGU,HINDI
Click on corresponding language to be used

Atm should display the  pin number page in corresponding language selected
When the language selection page uploaded click on cancel

Atm should display meaningful error message ” Sorry unable to process your request code 1111”” and return the card by atm.

Money withdrawal_ verify
Cancel with account type
This test is to verify the functionality of cancel with account type

Insert valid card in the insertion point of atm
Valid atm card
Atm should display language page with following objects ENLISH,TELUGU,HINDI
Click on corresponding language to be used

Atm should display the  pin number page in corresponding language selected
Enter the valid pin number
Valid pin number
Atm should display the account type selection page
Click on cancel button

Atm should display meaningful error message ” Sorry unable to process your request code 1234”” and return the card by atm.
Money withdrawal_ verify
Cancel with service provider
This test is to verify the functionality of cancel with service provider

Insert valid card in the insertion point of atm
Valid atm card
Atm should display language page with following objects ENLISH,TELUGU,HINDI
Click on corresponding language to be used

Atm should display the  pin number page in corresponding language selected
Enter the valid pin number
Valid pin number
Atm should display the account type selection page
Click on the correct account type of a/c holder

Atm should display service page with the following object money withdrawal, pin change,mini transaction,quick cash.

Click on cancel button

Atm should display meaningful error message ” Sorry unable to process your request code 1111”” and return the card by atm.
Money withdrawal_ verify
Cancel with amount entity
This test is to verify the functionality of cancel with amount entity

Insert valid card in the insertion point of atm
Valid atm card
Atm should display language page with following objects ENLISH,TELUGU,HINDI
Click on corresponding language to be used

Atm should display the  pin number page in corresponding language selected
Enter the valid pin number
Valid pin number
Atm should display the account type selection page
Click on the correct account type of a/c holder

Atm should display service page with the following object money withdrawal, pin change,mini transaction,quick cash.
Click on money withdrawal

Atm should display amount entry page.
Click on cancel button

Atm should display meaningful error message ” Sorry unable to process your request code 1111”” and return the card by atm.
Money withdrawal_ verify
Cancel with continue entity
This test is to verify the functionality of cancel with continue entity i.e, after amount entity

Insert valid card in the insertion point of atm
Valid atm card
Atm should display language page with following objects ENLISH,TELUGU,HINDI
Click on corresponding language to be used

Atm should display the  pin number page in corresponding language selected
Enter the valid pin number
Valid pin number
Atm should display the account type selection page

Click on the correct account type of a/c holder

Atm should display service page with the following object money withdrawal, pin change,mini transaction,quick cash.
Click on money withdrawal

Atm should display amount entry page.
Enter the valid amount and click on OK
Valid amount
Get the amount from atm and display the objects want to continue, OK, NO
Click on cancel button

Atm should display meaningful error message ” Sorry unable to process your request code 1111”” and return the card by atm.