Sunday, 22 January 2012

Test case Defination,Example

Test Case Definition, Template, Example, Tips
A test case is a set of conditions or variables under which a tester will determine whether a system under test satisfies requirements or works correctly.
The process of developing test cases can also help find problems in the requirements or design of an application.
A test case can have the following elements. Note, however, that normally a test management tool is
used by companies and the format is determined by the tool used.
Test Suite ID
The ID of the test suite to which this test case belongs.
Test Case ID
The ID of the test case.
Test Case Summary
The summary / objective of the test case.
Related Requirement
The ID of the requirement this test case relates/traces to.
Any prerequisites or preconditions that must be fulfilled prior to executing the test.
Test Procedure
Step-by-step procedure to execute the test.
Test Data
The test data, or links to the test data, that are to be used while conducting the test.
Expected Result
The expected result of the test.
Actual Result
The actual result of the test; to be filled after executing the test.
Pass or Fail. Other statuses can be ‘Not Executed’ if testing is not performed and ‘Blocked’ if testing is blocked.
Any comments on the test case or test execution.
Created By
The name of the author of the test case.
Date of Creation
The date of creation of the test case.
Executed By
The name of the person who executed the test.
Date of Execution
The date of execution of the test.
Test Environment
The environment (Hardware/Software/Network) in which the test was executed.
Test Suite ID
Test Case ID
Test Case Summary
To verify that clicking the Generate Coin button generates coins.
Related Requirement
  1. User is authorized.
  2. Coin balance is available.
Test Procedure
  1. Select the coin denomination in the Denomination field.
  2. Enter the number of coins in the Quantity field.
  3. Click Generate Coin.
Test Data
  1. Denominations: 0.05, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 1, 2, 5
  2. Quantities: 0, 1, 5, 10, 20
Expected Result
  1. Coin of the specified denomination should be produced if the specified Quantity is valid (1, 5)
  2. A message “Please enter a valid quantity between 1 and 10” should be displayed if the specified quantity is invalid.
Actual Result
  1. If the specified quantity is valid, the result is as expected.
  2. If the specified quantity is invalid, nothing happens; the expected message is not displayed

Created By
John Doe
Date of Creation
Executed By
Jane Roe
Date of Execution
Test Environment
  • OS: Windows Y
  • Browser: Chrome N
  • As far as possible, write test cases in such a way that you test only one thing at a time. Do not overlap or complicate test cases. Attempt to make your test cases ‘atomic’.
  • Ensure that all positive scenarios and negative scenarios are covered.
  • Language:
    • Write in simple and easy to understand language.
    • Use active voice: Do this, do that.
    • Use exact and consistent names (of forms, fields, etc).
  • Characteristics of a good test case:
    • Accurate: Exacts the purpose.
    • Economical: No unnecessary steps or words.
    • Traceable: Capable of being traced to requirements.
    • Repeatable: Can be used to perform the test over and over.
    • Reusable: Can be reused if necessary.

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