Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Credit Card Testing

Credit Card Testing
Credit card related testing is vast field and sometimes it requires more information on it. I have try to write some tips for testing Credit card Application. There may be chances for more scenarios, but I just tried my best.
  • First of all check with your payment gateway that how many types of cards they support, like Master card, Visa card, American Express, Discover etc.
  • Then each and every card has specific number of digits as card number. For example say, Discover should have 17 digits only.
  • Also each card will have an expiry date.
  • Test the boundary conditions for credit card by giving more than 17 digits and less than 17 digits.
  • Invalid credit card number.
  • Invalid Expiry date etc
  • Network response
  • Buffer page between application page and payment gateway page
  • URL information with card and amount details
Here is a list of dummy credit card number that can be used while testing your applications involving credit card transactions:

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Issue Tracking Template

Sample Issue Tracking Template

Issue Number: A system-generated number that uniquely identifies the Issue.

Summary: This is a short, one-line statement that summarizes the issue.

Created: This system-generated field displays the date the Issue was created and the name of the person who created it.

Last Modified: This system-generated field displays the date the Issue was most recently modified and the name of the person who modified it. copyrightjoestrazzere

Monday, 20 February 2012

Real time Interview Questions 1

1.differentiate between QA and QC?
QA: It is process oriented
      It involve in entire process of software development.
      Prevention oriented.
     It is product oriented.
     work to examine the quality of product.
     Deduction oriented.

2.what is a bug?
A computer bug is an error, flaw, mistake, failure, or fault in a computer program that prevents it from working correctly or produces an incorrect result.

3.what is a test case?
Test case is set of input values, execution preconditions, expected results and execution
post conditions, developed for a particular objective or test conditions, such as to exercise a particular program path or to verify compliance with a specific requirement.

Friday, 17 February 2012

Test checklist for Window Services

Checklist for Test Window Services
  • Check when your PC not in network
  • Check when your PC is log off
  • Check when automatically shutdown
  • Check when automatically restart

Sunday, 12 February 2012

How to Test Payment Gateway Functionality

How to Test Payment Gateway Functionality?
To test payment gateway functionality is same as test any other functionality. You should have some test strategy during testing it. Following are some points keep in mind during testing of payment gateway.
  1. Gather appropriate test data for the dummy credit card numbers for various master cards.
  2. Gather payment gateway information like whether used paypal, guestpay etc.
  3. Gather payment gateway documents with error codes – useful it if any error came during

Thursday, 9 February 2012

How do You Perform Regression Testing

How do you perform regression testing? 

  •           Regression Testing is carried out both manually and automation. The automatic tools are mainly used for the Regression Testing as this is mainly focused repeatedly testing the same application for the changes the application gone through for the new functionality, after fixing the previous bugs, any new changes in the design etc. The regression testing involves executing the test cases, which we ran for finding the defects. Whenever any change takes place in the Application we should make sure, the previous functionality is still available without any break. For this