Card Testing
card related testing is vast field and sometimes it requires more information
on it. I have try to write some tips for testing Credit card Application. There
may be chances for more scenarios, but I just tried my best.
- First of all check with your payment gateway that how many types of cards they support, like Master card, Visa card, American Express, Discover etc.
- Then each and every card has specific number of digits as card number. For example say, Discover should have 17 digits only.
- Also each card will have an expiry date.
- Test the boundary conditions for credit card by giving more than 17 digits and less than 17 digits.
- Invalid credit card number.
- Invalid Expiry date etc
- Network response
- Buffer page between application page and payment gateway page
- URL information with card and amount details
Credit Card Numbers for Testing
is a list of dummy credit card number that can be used while testing your
applications involving credit card transactions: